Monday, September 29, 2008

Home sick...

I am home sick today with a lovely little stomach bug. It is actually neither lovely, nor little. It's been going around school and I thought we were in the clear. When I told a friend I was home, they felt I needed a teacher pick-me-up. It does make me chuckle...... Hope you all have wonderful Mondays AND, trying to reinforce my new mantra of being positive and finding the silver lining in ALL that life hands me; here's to a shorter week, and maybe losing a lb. or 2 :)

You Know You’re a Teacher When…
You repeat everything you say to your friends at least five times.
You think of the new year starting in August.
You tell your friends to spit out their gum.
Your favorite place to shop is the teacher’s bookstore.
You can eat an entire meal in 20 minutes or less.
The neighbor’s trash looks like something you can recycle for your classroom.
You count all your Valentine Day cards and smile.
You pick up a handful of napkins in a restaurant.
Your wardrobe is covered in paint.
You wake up in the middle of the night and say, “Who’s talking?”
Other people joke that it must be nice to have three months of vacation.
You are afraid to take a sick day because the sub doesn’t know your kids like you do.
Johnny swears and you smile because it was a grammatically correct sentence.


Red and White Preppy said...

Hahahahahaha...because it was a grammatically correct sentence! You KNOW I love that one :)

Feel better, schweetums!

KPB said...

designing our own ladder golf or corn hole would be amazing - just think how cute we could make it! haha :)

Emily said...

Love the one about the sub! So funny. I hate taking sick days! I try so hard not to do it!