Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hump day

I feel like I can't complain that it's ONLY Wednesday. Had Monday and Tuesday as work days and I think I'll be peacing out early Friday morning to spend the weekend at the Rivah with the fam. BUT last week was sooo long, I worked all day Saturday and Sunday at the toy store, on top of cleaning the entirety of my old house. Then I spent all day Monday unpacking at home and yesterday at school. AND I think I may have bronchitis. Bitch Bitch whine whine... I'm sorry. I've wanted to hang out with people, been feeling kinda lonely lately, but I'm just so tired at the end of the day and just want to sit down with my feet up and chill at my house. I'm so lazy lately!!!!

PS: I LOVE THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!!


Red and White Preppy said...

Yeah...I miss you! Can we pleeeeeeease hang out soon :)?!?!?! Have fun this weekend with the family!

Well I Do Declare said...

The trees are AMAZING right now! Let's get together soon. No need to go out. I can bring the wine/whine to you!!! :P