Friday, August 22, 2008

Fighting the habit...

A pessimist through and through, I try to motivate myself, even when feeling so down in the dumps, against all odds, I try my best to find the silver lining in all situations. It may not change how I feel, make any difference in the outcome, BUT, atleast I can say I tried. There are those times though, when you just simply can't find a silver lining. When you don't have any inclination of even trying. When plain and simple, you're in a funk. You know you're in a funk, but like certain times of the month when you're crying at the drop of the hat and though you know it's that time of the month, it doesn't stop the tears..... but you just can't shake the funk. Well, welcome.

I take after my mother in that when I'm feeling down, I shop. If you have nice things, nice things should happen. It's like when I'm feeling sick, etc, I try to dress up, put on a little extra makeup; cuz if I look good, shouldn't I feel good? BUT, as it is (part of the funk) I'm B-R-O-K-E. SO, there will be no shopping for me. What's the next step you ask? Eating. YEP, I'm an emotional eater. So all those wonderful miles run and calories burned these past 2 weeks with the field hockey team... will be shot to hell by the end of the weekend :)

So what do you do to pick yourself up?


Well I Do Declare said...

Shopping... definitely! I love the "if you have nice things, nice things should happen" mentality. Unfortunately, my bank account does not always agree :(

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you are feeling down. If I am feeling down I always try to get out and head to see a movie with some girlfriends, or have a movie or game night at the house. Laughter always works on turning your frown upside down. :)

Lisa said...

Volunteering or any other civic-minded love you have (or may develop as a result) is always my best pick-me-up.