Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Joys of being sick...

Let's think of all the good things that come of being sick:
- Utter laziness: you can stay in bed all day and who is going to judge you for it??
- Catching up on day-time TV and shows you missed earlier in the week online: not like I was going to actually do anything productive
- No primping: like you really need to shower, blow dry, pick out clothes, put on makeup. you just stay in what you slept in and worry about the mess of hair on your head tomorrow
- Calling in favors: though I failed miserably in claiming those favors, convincing others I'd be fine, when in all actuality I really really did want that gatorade, but how pathetic do you feel when you weren't sure if you would actually be able/willing/wanting to get out of bed to go down and unlock the door.... rough
- Weight loss!! Don't eat anything for, lets see, we're going on 36 hours now, and threw up 6 times in 12 hours. not bad
- Feeling the love from work: not going into work for a day and still getting phone calls and emails asking how to do this, where is this, what do I do with this. "Dude, this goes in the... wait a minute, I have to throw up, excuse me". Do not call me when I say I have the stomach bug. But I suppose I should also learn I can screen those calls too.

As you can imagine, yesterday was ROUGH. Ever since I had my gall bladder taken out fall of 2006 (it was a major surprise, ER, massive infection, no prior problems, I was a mess), my immune system has been utter crap. I pick up everything at work. Good thing I work in a Kindergarten classroom. This school year alone I have had strep throat, a chest cold and horrid cough (the ripping your throat apart kind), PNEUMONIA (yea, that was fun = No Thanksgiving, spent the day in bed, alone), this stomach bug (twice), and too many other head colds and coughs to mention. I genuinely feel, that as soon as I am completely better from one ailment, another gets me. Let me tell you about my daily vitamins, my extra vitamin C, my love of orange juice, veggies, milk, my occasional excercise habits. I should not be a sickly person, but that is exactly what I feel like. So, as I am still lying here in bed, contemplating whether to take another whole day or just the morning off (maybe this is why I always get sick, I just can't stay away), I plan on researching immune system boosters. Is there such a thing? Or maybe just certain foods, etc that are shown to improve your immune system? I mean, I have long been out of sick days. Only my second year into the system, I don't think I have had more than 2 sick days left at a time. I mean, having major surgery a month into the job didn't really let me start off with much either.

Have you had gall bladder surgery and did it affect you a lot afterwards? I was a wreck immediately following; couldn't have dairy or anything with significant fat content. It's gotten better now, but I can't be surprised anymore when I eat something and need to stay near a bathroom for the next 20 minutes. OH and the knots of pain some foods give me. The newest one, and I went back to test it, too: cherry coke. I had a day off last week and met up with some boys at '5 Guys ' in North Hills. I ordered my little cheeseburger with all my favorite toppings, Jim and I were gonna split fries because you get an exorbidant amount, and I skipped over to the fountain drink machine. OHHHH how excited I was to see Cherry Coke for I couldn't tell you the last time I had it (little warning flag #1). Just the right amount of ice and topped that bad boy off. I was about halfway done with my first cup when our food was ready (what, I was parched). Ran up to get my food and filled up my cup again. When I sat down I began to notice that my stomach felt a little funny (well, not my stomach, my insides), but I didnt think much of it, thinking I was just really hungry and my insides were angry it was so late and it was just now getting food. So I inhaled my cheeseburger (SO GOOD), and ate as many fries as I could possibly cram down my throat and we still had some leftover. When I realized, nope, wasn't going to make it home. I sweetly said excuse me and all but ran to the bathroom. Now, I didnt immediately blame the cherry coke. I mean, hello cheeseburger. The next day however, while working at Tookie's toys, my coworker was going to run to the Eckerds (it will never be a RiteAid to me), and I asked her to pick up a cherry coke for me. You may ask why I wanted a cherry coke after my experience at 5 Guys. Well, at this point, I still thought it was the cheeseburger, and really just wanted a cherry coke. Needless to say, since I'm writing all about it, I didnt make it halfway through the bottle before I had to excuse myself to the back of the store to the bathroom. I mean, CHERRY COKE????


Red and White Preppy said...

Bless your heart! I hope you get to feeling better soon :)

Magnolias & Juleps said...

Thanks.. I'm on the up and up, definitely feeling better. I'd love to see your blog!

Red and White Preppy said...

Of course! What's your e-mail address?

Magnolias & Juleps said...


Barefoot in the Park said...

Oh man you get the crud way too much! I hope you are feeling better!

magnoliabelle said...

Awww....sounds like no fun...I hope you feel better soon!