Friday, April 1, 2011

You know you're a teacher when......

You Know You Teach First Grade When...

- Your once neatest handwriters are suddenly writing their names illegibly. Because they're attempting to write in cursive with no formal instruction.

- You've been through no less than 762 glue sticks.

- You've considered changing your name for the day just so you don't have to respond to Ms._______ seventy-eight times in an hour.

- You're fairly certain that a select few students will never recognize the written difference between a "b" and a "d" no matter how many times you correct them.

- You get just as excited as the kids do when the Scholastic book order comes in.

- You welcome inventive spelling if only to have something entertaining to read.

- You wish you got a dollar every time you told your class to "be a level zero in the hallway" or to "get on the line" when walking down the hall.

- You have at least one Dr. Jean album on your iPod.

- Calendar Time exhausts you. I don't know why, but I just hate it.

- You love your students' goofy smiles due to their jack-o-lantern-like assortment of *missing* teeth.

- On that same note, you are driven *12 kinds of crazy* when students repeatedly get up from whole group time to get a tissue to wiggle a loose tooth.

- Your heart goes pitter patter when hear your firsties read, smiling at the fact that you are the one responsible for that.

Your turn! I'd love for you to link up and tell me what things make your grade level special!


Victoria said...

Working in an office full of women is kind of like still being in High School sometimes...sigh.

Cameron Todd said...

you know your a teacher when..."creating the famous leprechaun scene in your class" is suddenly the highlight of your week.