Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Home is where the heart is.....

or at least school is!

I am back at my old school, WES, where I taught for 4+ years until the end of this past October. No, not permanently, just for a few days while I'm tracked out. I'll be there tomorrow and Thursday and next week, Mon-Thurs. I am subbing for the AG teacher. I am having so much fun seeing my former students, running into parents, and hanging out with my teacher friends. It's amazing how comfortable I feel there. I know I have only been at EGE for 3+ months, but I miss WES so much. I walk down the halls, students know me, teachers know me, the security guard knows me, the janitors know me, everyone knows me! I know this comes with time, but I've officially realized I want back... and I don't know how to get there. I walk the halls like I actually know what the hell I'm doing instead of feeling like everything I do is a waste of time, useless, or falling on deaf ears..


and for a few of my girls, I've gotten in a really bad habit of some major recycling.. again.. if you know what I mean... help.